Avatar Last Airbender Personality Quiz
avatar last airbender personality quiz

I do love avatars music too.Grew up…in the South Pole, as part of the Southern Water Tribe. I really love The Legend of Korra music. Makorra is the only ship to me I think is good. Makorra(Korra and Mako) is the only ship I am crazy about. I do like Zutara(Katara and Zuko) a little bit but Im not crazy as some other people are about it. For Avatar The Last Airbender I had never liked any of the couple ships.

avatar last airbender personality quizavatar last airbender personality quizavatar last airbender personality quiz

And she’s kind of scary when she wants to be. But it’s Katara who will keep them on track in their quest.

avatar last airbender personality quiz